If Brass Cat were to move to another country, which one should it be?

Monday, August 2, 2010

I was walking thru the living room this morning and noticed something was amiss. It took me a moment to figure out what it was, but when I did notice it hit like a ton of bricks. BrassCat wouldn't look at me. No matter what I did to get his attention he just wouldn't even acknowledge my existence.

Then it dawned on me, BrassCat hadn't been moved in over 5 years. So we agreed that he would accompany me on my travels until he was ready to get out on his own.

What follows is BrassCat's Travel-log (travelogue?) We'll try to update as often as possible, whether BC gets out of the house or not... Hopefully, for his sake, he will get out more often. Sitting inside for too long can lead to depression, and a host of other ailments. We'll see....